Adar I 5784
The mind and emotions - they are two worlds:
[the first one:] cold and balanced, [while the second one:] boiling and swift.
The task of a person is to unite THEM together. And then: swiftness will turn into determination, and rationality will guide the way in Service and actions.
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Новинки месяца
Shabbaton Rosh Chodesh Adar for teenagers
Shabbatons for teens are back again!

After a break, we made a convention in Dnipro for children from 13 to 16 years old and chose the dates of Rosh Chodesh Adar I, to start adding to the joy with children immediately on Shabbaton.
The program included: lessons, prayers, Torah reading, meals in STL and visiting, avdalah, events, games, workshop and outings
In general, we did not waste a second and all the children not only fully observed Shabbat, but also received a charge of energy and cool emotions for a long time to come.
At the end of the Shabbaton, the two most active teenagers won vouchers to the European Shabbaton from our partners Cteen, which will be held this year.

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Purim katan for the youth
The Purim Katan holiday for the participants of STARS Dnipro, a non-formal education project for young people supported by STL, was held in the style of a spy party. This format was liked by everyone without exception and the participants did not hide their positive emotions. Joy was present throughout the whole festive evening.
In the first part of the program guests were served buffet, followed by a lesson with the teacher Aliza Rabinovich, and in the second part of the party the youth of "STARS Dnipro" played a role-playing detective "Spy".
Bar Mitzvah Organization
We are always happy to help children have a dream holiday, and this month we had a double cause for joy because our tinsel, Nikita Vitynnyk, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah!
There was both an official part of the holiday, which included a video of the Rebbe, tzedokah, brochos from the birthday boy and lechaim from the guests, and an entertaining part, where everyone had a lot of fun, playing various contests and winning prizes. And the end was a birthday cake and a gift from our organization.
We wish Nikita to become a better version of himself every day and to walk confidently on the path of Torah and commandments!
Our regular events
Weekly lessons STARS
Every week we have 2 hours of classes from our leading teachers, and consistently we have about 15 students who are just beginning their journey of learning Torah and the commandments. There are 8 hours of classes per month.
STARS Intensive
Classes are 8 hours a week for guys and girls who are already advanced in Jewish studies. About 20 students come weekly for intensive study of Jewish law. There are 32 hours of classes per month.
Фарбренгены для парней
Every week we organize Farbrengen Thursdays for men. At these meetings there is a pleasant atmosphere and words of Torah and nigunim are heard. Each time we have about 10 guys come to us. During Adar alef we had 4 farbrengens
Фарбренгены для девушек
On important Jewish dates we hold farbrengens for our girls, where they can not only eat delicious and kosher food, but also learn something new for themselves, and maybe even make a new commitment. Every time we have about 15 girls come to us. 2 farbrengens were held in Adar alef.
Programs for kids
KIDS Programs
Every Sunday we hold meetings for Jewish children from 6 to 12 years old. At these meetings, participants listen to Torah lessons, make beautiful products in workshops and play educational games with chaperones. Steadily we have about 20 children attending every Sunday
In our center there is a studio of developmental workshops. We provide gymnastics, drawing, beading and wood modeling.
TEENS Programs
At our teen programs, we focus on developing leadership skills in our participants and teaching them useful skills they can use in their lives. During the two-hour program, kids listen to a weekly chapter lesson and make interesting crafts or participate in cool events tied to the theme of the meeting. We consistently have about 10 teens come every Sunday.
"Shabbat Together" Project
Thanks to the full support of the Dnipro Jewish Community, our students are able to fully observe Shabbat each week.
Menorah provides us with comfortable rooms at the 7days Hotel and many families of our community gladly invite us to their homes for meals.
On Shabbat, all students are sure to attend the prayers and Torah reading at the synagogue and then join us for a meal at the Menorah.
During Adar I we spent 4 Shabbats together and one Shabbaton on Hanukkah, with about 80 students joining us
This month, our activities were supported by:
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky
    Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region
  • Gennady Bogolyubov
    President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro
  • Nathan Zolotarevsky
    President of "STL"
  • Adina Seldina
    Center Coordinator
  • Haya Maltseva
    Project Manager "Stars Dnipro"
  • Keren Morozova
  • Beila Letichevska
    Project Manager "Teens"
  • Moishe Listengurt
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Daniela Listengurt
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Aliza Rabinovich
    Teacher of the program "STARS Basis"
  • Sheina Smilyanskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Tzipora Shufotinskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Leya Lazareva
    Children's Program Teacher
  • Yomtov Shufotinsky
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Moishe Neumann
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
Dvora Leya
Thank you for being with us!
May the G-d bless you and your family with all the blessings!