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Purim-5783: festive evening in the project "Stars Dnepr"

On the evening of Purim, a large festive program was prepared for the students of Stars Dnepr, a project of the Jewish Community of Dnipro in the field of non-formal education for youth, supported by STL, to which students of the International Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute "Beit Khana" could join.

In honor of this wonderful holiday, our entire space was decorated and divided into zones, except for the buffet, there was a photo zone, since many guys came, as expected, in carnival costumes, they were able to capture themselves as a keepsake. We also separated the area where the scroll of Megillat Esther was read. And before the beginning of the reading, the teacher of our project Tsipora Shufotinskaya held a short lesson for our students, reminding them of the laws and rules of how to listen to the Megillah so that they know what blessings are read, what needs to be repeated, and where it is necessary to make noise.

Then the guys arranged a whole master class, where everyone was able to assemble their own Mishloach Manot, decorating it correctly and preparing it for presentation the next day.

The festive evening was very fun and interesting, the guys were able to properly celebrate Purim, but they also learned a lot of new and useful things.

Purim 5783: Party for Jewish School Students

Filmed on the first take!

Our PURIMWOOD movie style parties are worthy of an Oscar and an Emmy

Purim in STL Dnepr was visited by 100 characters from movies, cartoons and musicals. Children, teenagers and youth - all celebrated and had fun as they should.

  • Read Megillat Esther
  • Improvised and included in the images
  • Mishloach Manot exchanged
  • Made a real Purim feast

Starring our dear guests and participants

don't stay behind the scenes, join us for our next holidays!

Participants of the "Kids" program saw with their own eyes how matzah is made
On the eve of the Pesach holiday, the participants of “Kids”, a program in the field of non-formal education within the framework of the “Young DJC” movement in the Jewish community of Dnipro, went on an excursion to the “Tiferet Matzot” matza-bakery.

Our Kids visited the matza-bakery, because Pesach is a holiday for which you need to prepare especially carefully and in advance, so immediately after Purim we began to gradually immerse our children in the theme of the upcoming holiday.

We got on the buses and went to watch how matzah is being prepared. It was very exciting, we were shown all the processes, from kneading the dough to packing the finished matzah into boxes. The bakery workers are wonderful and friendly people who were happy to tell the most curious about their work and about the laws of kashrut in this area.

The excursion to the matza-bakery gave a lot of impressions, and, most importantly, prompted the children to ask a lot of questions about matzah and the holiday itself, and it’s good that we still have time to answer them and meet Pesach with a full piggy bank of knowledge.
Preparation for Passover of students "Stars"
The last lesson was held in preparation for the Passover holiday “Stars Dnepr”, a project of the Jewish Community of Dnipro in the field of non-formal education for youth, supported by STL.

The last lesson on preparation for Passover for the participants of our project passed, during the whole month the guys studied very hard and prepared for this important holiday.

And we are proud to say that all our students are ready for Passover - eleven of them went to the Passover camp in Zakarpatiye to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of kosher Passover, and some of the guys are preparing to be leaders at community seders to help members of the Jewish community Dnipro correctly complete all the stages of the Passover Order.
Youth Passover camp in Zakarpattya
Students of Stars Dnipro, a project of the Jewish Community of Dnipro in the field of non-formal education for youth, supported by STL, took part in the Passover camp, called "Pessach Retreat Ukraine The Year of Hakhel 5783", which was organized by "Stars Ukraine" with the support of "Yahad" and JRNU, held in Transcarpathia.

STARS students visited the youth camp for Passover. They had a wonderful time in the very heart of the Carpathians together with Jewish youth from other cities of Ukraine.

For eight days of Passover we were in wonderful company, a beautiful place with great food, interesting lessons and activities. The participants arrived close to the beginning of the holiday and immediately plunged into its atmosphere. Two seders, festive prayers, a pleasant and sincere Shabbat - they very much united all the participants.

And in Chol HaMoed, students traveled and got acquainted with the beautiful landscapes of our Carpathians, participated in games and events in the evenings, organized parties themselves and much more, which made this Pesach unforgettable!
Our regular events
We have 5 different studios in the center: Beading, gymnastics, drawing, chess, carving on wood, in which children can reveal their talents, self-realization, gain life skills, and spend time usefully with Jewish friends.

Our workshops are attended by about 50 children and we plan to develop and open more and more studios.
STARS Lessons
Every week, our center hosts educational sessions of the STARS program.
for young people.
8 hours a week for STARS Intensive members and 2 hours per week STARS Basis participants
Lessons with leading speakers, farbrengens, shabbats, parties and much more we organize for our students.
Over 30 boys and girls visit us on a regular basis
Youth farbrengens for boys

Every Thursday we host a men's farbrengen on the 8th floor, which is attended by students from our Stars Basis and Stars Intensive programs. Our teachers and leaders fill this pastime with warmth and spirituality, the words of the Torah and maysa are heard at the table.

10 to 15 guys come to our meals every time.

Programs Kids&Juniors

Every Sunday on the 8th floor of the Menorah we hold meetings for children and teenagers

In our classes, children listen to a lesson on a weekly chapter, in which we highlight a topic that is relevant in accordance with modern realities so that it will be useful to our participants in life. They create beautiful crafts with their own hands at master classes and improve their soft skills during games with madrichs and various events.

Also during the program, we obligatory feed the participants with a delicious and kosher lunch.

On average, about 80 children and 30 teenagers attend our programs per month

Youth Shabbat mevorchim in the Menorah
Shabbat together

According to the already established tradition, we unite the Jewish youth of the city of Dnipro for Shabbat every week together.

We have prepared everything for your comfort:
  • Meals in Jewish families
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Game bar
This is an ideal opportunity to feel the beauty of Shabbat. About 60 Jewish boys and girls came to our Shabbat in Tevet
This month, our activities were supported by:
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky
    Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region
  • Gennady Bogolyubov
    President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro
  • Nathan Zolotarevsky
    President of "STL"
  • Malka Gorodnitskaya
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board RADABANK
  • Motl Mogilevskiy
  • Shmuel Shulika
  • Shtipelman Vlad
    Owner of the Partner Ukraine group of companies
  • Shlomo Chertok
    The owner of the leading alcohol distribution company in Ukraine - AV Trading House
  • Rafael Sapozhnikov
    The owner of the meat factory "Premier"
Our team
  • Rabbi Elisha Gabriel Pavlotskyi
    Head of Young DJC - "STL"
  • Adina Seldina
    Center Coordinator
  • Haya Maltseva
    Project Manager "Stars Dnipro"
  • Yosef Nakhshon
    Teacher of the program "STARS basis"
  • Moishe Listengurt
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Daniela Listengurt
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Sheina Smilyanskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Tzipora Shufotinskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Leya Lazareva
    Children's Program Teacher
  • Yomtov Shufotinsky
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Moishe Neumann
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
Our Madrichim
Dvora Leya
Thank you for being with us!
May the G-d bless you and your family with all the blessings!
В этом месяце нашу деятельность поддержали:
  • р. Шмуэль Каминецкий
    Главный раввин Днепра и региона
  • Генадий Боголюбов
    Президент Еврейской Общины Днепра
  • Натан Золотаревский
    Президент "STL"
  • Малка Городницкая
    Председатель Наблюдательного совета РАДАБАНК
  • Мотл Могилевский
  • Шмуэль Шулика
  • Штипельман Влад
    Владелец группы компаний Partner Ukraine 
  • Шломо Черток
    Владелец ведущей компании по дистрибуции алкоголя в Украине – Торговый дом «АВ»
  • Рафаэль Сапожников
    Собственник мясной фабрики "Премьер"
Наша команда
  • р. Элиша Габриэль Павлоцкий
    Глава Young DJC - "STL"
  • Адина Сельдина
    Координатор центра
  • Хая Мальцева
    Руководитель проекта «Stars Днепр»
  • Йосеф Нахшон
    Учитель программы "STARS basis"
  • Мойше Листенгурт
    Учитель программы "STARS intensive" для парней
  • Даниэла Листенгурт
    Учитель программы "STARS intensive" для девушек
  • Шейна Смилянская
    Учитель программы "STARS intensive" для девушек
  • Ципора Шуфотинская
    Учитель программы "STARS intensive" для девушек
  • Лея Лазарева
    Учитель детских программ
  • Йомтов Шуфотинский
    Учитель программы "STARS intensive" для парней
  • Мойше Нойман
    Учитель программы "STARS intensive" для парней
Наши мадрихи
Двора Лея
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