Shvat 5784
The mind and emotions - they are two worlds:
[the first one:] cold and balanced, [while the second one:] boiling and swift.
The task of a person is to unite THEM together. And then: swiftness will turn into determination, and rationality will guide the way in Service and actions.
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New events of the month
Shabbaton Yud Shvat for youth
The Shabbaton lasted for three days, from January 19th to 21st, in Dnipro, and all days were filled with active entertainment, educational information about the traditions of this day, master classes, and of course, farbrengens. "STARS Ukraine" prepared a truly intensive program for all 35 participants of the Shabbaton, among whom were the majority of "STARS" students, guests from Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Lviv, Kremenchuk, and young people from Dnipro who are not yet students.
STL time at Jewish High School No 144
This time, we visited students from grades 5 to 11 on February 2nd. We decided to entertain the kids with a contest program, and their task was to beat the time. All the teenagers actively participated in various fun contests and had a lot of fun. In the end, we awarded the winning classes with super prizes, but everyone else also received their nice tasty prizes.
Organization of holidays
We are happy to help organize a dream holiday for our beloved participants.
On January 10th, we organized a birthday celebration for Zili Nikitenko! This time, the celebration was themed around one of the most beloved universes of all children - Harry Potter. The birthday turned out to be simply magical, and the participants went through a full course of magic and wizardry.
Once again, we congratulate the birthday girl and her parents, we wish Nicole to follow the path of Torah and commandments, and with each day become the best version of herself!
Women's Farbrengen of the Jewish community in honor of the 22nd of Shvat.
Many guests gathered on this evening, including STARS students, to honor the great-granddaughter of the Fifth Rebbe, daughter of the Sixth Rebbe, and faithful wife and companion of the Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

The farbrengen began with the lighting of a memorial candle and the recitation of Psalm 123. The theme of the evening was inner beauty, the beauty of the soul.

Participants were treated to a surprise – Jewish clothing designers presented their collections and there was a fashion show. The children's collection by Sara Kaminskaya was greeted with applause and evoked many emotions – all the girls looked like adorable princesses, while the adult collection by Sara Berlin impressed with its regal style; our students served as models.

Our girls left inspired, and many took on new resolutions.
The year of our workshops' studio!
We can't believe it ourselves, but it's been a year since we opened our club studio at our center! Over the past year, more than 50 children have joined us in various activities, and we've helped them acquire new skills. We are grateful for the trust of parents and the efforts of our instructors. We're not used to standing still, so we'll only continue to improve and grow!
Our regular events
Weekly STARS lessons
Weekly, 2 hours of classes are conducted by our leading teachers. Consistently, around 15 students join us who are just beginning their journey in the study of Torah and commandments. In a month, there are a total of 8 hours of classes.
STARS Intensive
Classes for 8 hours per week are dedicated to advanced study of Jewish laws for both boys and girls. Approximately 20 students join us weekly for intensive exploration of Jewish laws. In a month, a total of 32 hours of classes are conducted.
Farbrengens for men
Every week, we organize farbrengens on Thursdays for men. These gatherings are characterized by a pleasant atmosphere filled with Torah teachings and melodies. Approximately 10 men join us each time. In the month of Tevet, we held 4 farbrengens.
Farbrengens for women
On significant Jewish dates, we organize farbrengens for our female students. During these gatherings, they not only enjoy delicious and kosher food but also discover something new for themselves, and perhaps even take on new commitments. Each time, approximately 15 girls join us. In the month of Tevet, we held 1 farbrengen.
Programs for children
KIDS programs
Every Sunday, we hold gatherings for Jewish children aged 6 to 12. During these meetings, participants listen to Torah lessons, create beautiful crafts in masterclasses, and engage in educational games with our counselors. We consistently have about 20 children attending each Sunday.
In our center, there is a studio offering developmental circles. Among the activities, we provide gymnastics, drawing, beadwork, and woodworking modeling.
TEENS programs
In our teenage programs, we focus on developing leadership qualities and acquiring useful skills that will benefit our participants in life. During the two-hour program, the kids listen to a lesson on the weekly Torah portion and engage in interesting crafts or participate in exciting events related to the theme of the meeting. We consistently have about 10 teenagers joining us every Sunday.
"Shabbat together" project
Thanks to the full support of the Dnipro Jewish community, our students have the opportunity to fully observe Shabbat every week. Menora provides us with comfortable rooms at the "7days" hotel, and many families in our community happily invite us for meals at their homes. On Saturday, all students are required to attend prayers and Torah reading at the synagogue, and then join the meal at Menora. In Shvat, we spent 4 Shabbats together and one Shabbaton during Hanukkah, with about 100 students joining us.
This month, our activities were supported by:
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky
    Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region
  • Gennady Bogolyubov
    President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro
  • Nathan Zolotarevsky
    President of "STL"
  • Adina Seldina
    Center Coordinator
  • Haya Maltseva
    Project Manager "Stars Dnipro"
  • Keren Morozova
  • Beila Letichevska
    Project Manager "Teens"
  • Moishe Listengurt
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Daniela Listengurt
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Aliza Rabinovich
    Teacher of the program "STARS Basis"
  • Sheina Smilyanskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Tzipora Shufotinskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Leya Lazareva
    Children's Program Teacher
  • Yomtov Shufotinsky
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Moishe Neumann
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
Dvora Leya
Thank you for being with us!
May the G-d bless you and your family with all the blessings!