Thammuz 5783
“In Hasidism, the beginning is in the end, and the end is in the beginning. It's like a circle with no beginning or end. But nevertheless, the main thing is order."
-Rebbe RaShab

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Closing of the day camp

This year we organized our traditional summer day camp on the basis of the Jewish school №144

Camp results

And here are our results:

  • 3

    Amazing weeks

  • About 120
    Happy children
  • Over 20
    Unforgettable trips, master classes and cool events
Our regular events

Weekly STARS lessons


Weekly 2 hours of classes from our leading teachers, about 10 students come to us regularly, who are just starting their journey in the knowledge of the Torah and commandments.

STARS Intensive
Classes for 8 hours a week for boys and girls already advanced in Jewishness. Every week about 15 students come to us for intensive study of Jewish laws.
Фарбренгены для парней
Every week we organize farrengens on Thursdays for men. At these meetings, a pleasant atmosphere reigns and the words of the Torah and the niguna are heard. About 10 guys come to us every time
Фарбренгены для девушек
On important Jewish dates, we hold farbrengens for our students, where they can not only have a delicious and kosher meal, but also learn something new for themselves, and maybe even take on a new obligation. About 10 girls come to us every time.

Programs for children

In the month of Sivan, we completed our children's programs and went on summer holidays, but here is some information about them

KIDS programs

Every Sunday we hold meetings for Jewish children from 6 to 12 years old. At them, participants listen to Torah lessons, make beautiful products at master classes and play educational games with madrichs. About 20 children regularly visit us every Sunday

Workshops studios

On our floor there is a studio of developing workshops. From the classes we provide chess, gymnastics, drawing, beading and wood modeling.

Project "Shabbat at the Menorah"

Thanks to the full support of the Dnipro Jewish Community, our students have the opportunity to fully observe Shabbat every week.
Menorah provides us with comfortable rooms at the "7days" hotel and many families in our community are happy to invite us to shabbos meals at their homes.
On Saturday all students must attend prayers and reading of the Torah in the synagogue and then join the shabbos  meal in the Menorah.
This month, our activities were supported by:
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky
    Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region
  • Gennady Bogolyubov
    President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro
  • Nathan Zolotarevsky
    President of "STL"
  • Malka Gorodnitskaya
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board RADABANK
  • Motl Mogilevskiy
  • Shmuel Shulika
  • Shtipelman Vlad
    Owner of the Partner Ukraine group of companies
  • Shlomo Chertok
    The owner of the leading alcohol distribution company in Ukraine - AV Trading House
  • Rafael Sapozhnikov
    The owner of the meat factory "Premier"
Our team
  • Rabbi Elisha Gabriel Pavlotskyi
    Head of Young DJC - "STL"
  • Adina Seldina
    Center Coordinator
  • Haya Maltseva
    Project Manager "Stars Dnipro"
  • Yosef Nakhshon
    Teacher of the program "STARS basis"
  • Moishe Listengurt
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Daniela Listengurt
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Sheina Smilyanskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Tzipora Shufotinskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Leya Lazareva
    Children's Program Teacher
  • Yomtov Shufotinsky
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Moishe Neumann
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
Our Madrichim
Dvora Leya
Thank you for being with us!
May the G-d bless you and your family with all the blessings!