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Lessons STARS
Every week, our center hosts educational sessions of the STARS program for young people.
8 hours a week for STARS Intensive members and 2 hours
per week STARS Basis participants
Lessons with leading speakers, farbrengens, shabbats, parties and much more we organize for our students.
About 30 boys and girls
visit us on a regular basis

Youth farbrengens for guys

Every Thursday we host a men's farbrengen on the 8th floor, which is attended by students from our Stars Basis and Stars Intensive programs. Our teachers and leaders fill this pastime with warmth and spirituality, the words of the Torah and maysas are heard at the table.

From 10 to 15 guys come to our meals every time.

Youth farbrengens for girls

In our center, we hold farbrengens for female students of the Stars programs, timed to coincide with important Jewish dates.

At our events, participants are always welcome

tables full of delicious and warm food, Torah lessons from favorite teachers and a pleasant Jewish company.

From 12 to 17 girls come to our meals every time.

Trip for women to Gadyach

On the 24th of Tevet, a group of several of our students, together with other women of the Dnipro community, went to Gadyach in honor of the Alter Rebbe.

On the way to Gadyach, they talked about the importance of this date for Hasidic history, about such a large-scale personality as Rabbi Shneur-Zalman from Lyad. Then, when they arrived, before visiting the oel, in accordance with the customs of pilgrimages to holy places, everyone got the opportunity to write a personal letter of request to the righteous, the Alter Rebbe.

And the culmination of the trip was a sincere prayer at the grave of the tzadik and the great sage Alter Rebbe. Then they took part in the farbrengen, which took place in the pilgrimage center "Admor Azaken".

And the best thing is that this trip had a result in the material world - one of the participants in the Stars intensive program, Malka Elkina, just a few days after the trip, decided to make Teshuvah and start observing the commandments of the Almighty.

Programs Kids&Juniors

Every Sunday on the 8th floor of the Menorah we hold meetings for children and teenagers

In our classes, children listen to a lesson on a weekly chapter, in which we highlight a topic that is relevant in accordance with modern realities so that it will be useful to our participants in life. They create beautiful crafts with their own hands at workshops and improve their soft skills during games with madrichs and various events.

Also during the program, we obligatory feed the participants with a delicious and kosher lunch.

On average, about 20 children and 12 teenagers attend our programs every week

Youth Shabbat mevorchim in the Menorah
Shabbat together

According to the already established tradition, we unite the Jewish youth of the city of Dnipro for Shabbat Mevorkhim together.

We have prepared everything for your comfort:
  • Meals in Jewish families
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Game bar
This is an ideal opportunity to feel the beauty of Shabbat. About 20 Jewish boys and girls came to our Shabbat in Tevet
This month, our activities were supported by:
  • Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky
    Chief Rabbi of Dnipro and the region
  • Gennady Bogolyubov
    President of the Jewish Community of Dnipro
  • Nathan Zolotarevsky
    President of "STL"
  • Malka Gorodnitskaya
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board RADABANK
  • Shtipelman Vlad
    Owner of the Partner Ukraine group of companies
  • Rafael Sapozhnikov
    The owner of the meat factory "Premier"
Our team
  • Rabbi Elisha Gabriel Pavlotskyi
    Head of Young DJC - "STL"
  • Adina Seldina
    Center Coordinator
  • Haya Maltseva
    Project Manager "Stars Dnipro"
  • Yosef Nakhshon
    Teacher of the program "STARS basis"
  • Moishe Listengurt
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Daniela Listengurt
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Sheina Smilyanskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Tzipora Shufotinskaya
    Teacher of the program "STARS intensive" for girls
  • Leya Lazareva
    Children's Program Teacher
  • Yomtov Shufotinsky
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
  • Moishe Neumann
    Men's STARS Intensive Teacher
Our Madrichim
Dvora Leya
Thank you for being with us!
May the G-d bless you and your family with all the blessings!